The Martide platform gives you access to maritime jobs with leading shipping companies across the world. Create a professional profile that highlights your experience and easily apply for the jobs you want!
- Store all maritime certificates and documents securely
- Receive certificate expiry alerts, job & travel notifications and reminders
- Track, record and analyse your sea service and share that with future employers
- Apply to multiple jobs, easily share documents with a prospective Shipowners/Managers
Looking for a job? Martide recruit for a wide variety of roles, such as:
- Master
- Officer
- Engineer
- Crane operator/lift supervisor
- Deck crew
Keyword search:
- Browse through the jobs that match your skills and experience
- Apply for numerous jobs
- Manage your applied vacancies
Contact Shipowners/Managers:
- Handle invitations from Companies and Shipowners
- Send your resume and documents
- Adjust your readiness date and desired salary
- Exciting updates will be available soon! We want to create the best experience for you by adding new features to Martide app.
We are always happy to hear from you! Send us your feedback on
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